Buffalo Mozzarella & Milk Products | BMMP 2024

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First International Conference on

Buffalo Mozzarella
& Milk Products

24-25 September 2024

Naples, Italy

Mozzarella Congress 2024

The first International Conference 

on Buffalo Mozzarella and Milk Products (BMMP)

will be held in Naples on Sept. 24th and 25th, 2024.


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The event will be held at the Conference Centre of the University of Naples Federico II, in Via Partenope, in front of the sea and the famous Castel dell’Ovo.

Pre-congress course – Consorzio Tutela Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP

Scientific contributions in oral or poster form will be placed in different sessions, where new topics will be treated alongside the more traditional themes.

Buffalo farming is now an almost worldwide phenomenon, for this reason the BMMP is an unique opportunity which enables international researchers, veterinarians, breeders, producers and technicians to exchange ideas and information, make connections and collaborations and update innovations within all the aspects of interactions among the world of buffalo dairy chain, from farm to fork.

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